guidelines after mass

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guidelines after mass
Question from on 07-16-2007:
Dear Fr. Gantley,

Thank you very much for all you do. After mass today I went to light a candle in honor of the Blessed Mother as always. Specially today is her feast of OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL as I was praying Father turn the lights off( to conserve energy, and he always turn it off after mass that i'm aware of and leave He had done this before as i was in prayer before the Blessed Mother in which i can understand to conserve energy, but it is dark only the candle was lit on, so I finnished my prayer and left. Father is it okay to pray in the dark at church? Thank you and God Blessed EWTN. mona
Answer by Rev. Mark J. Gantley, JCL on 07-20-2007:
It's OK to pray in the dark.

It seems unwise for the priest to turn the lights out on people when they are still in church. This seems dangerous and might lead to injury and liability issues. At the very least, he should warn those still present that he is going to do this.

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