converting without RCIA

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converting without RCIA
Question from on 07-20-2007:
Is it possible to become Catholic without RCIA if you are a baptized adult that has studied the faith on your own for several years? I have several health problems and will soon have surgery and would like to convert first. Would it be allowed without formal instruction? Thank you.
Answer by Rev. Mark J. Gantley, JCL on 07-20-2007:
"RCIA" stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is basically the rites and ceremonies that are the steps for an adult to enter the Church.

I think what you are asking for is to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church without completing the usual catechetical requirements that are connected with the RCIA program. I would say that you should discuss this with your local priest. Considering your medical situation, he may be agreeable. I would suggest that you offer that he test you to evaluate your level of knowledge of the faith. If it is adequate, then he may be agreeable.

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