Why can't priest and nuns get married

Why can't priest and nuns get married

Question from on 06-15-2007:

I am Catholic and I am ashame to say I never understood why priests and
nuns are not allowed to marry. Can someone please answer this for me.

Answer by Fr.Stephen F. Torraco on 06-15-2007:
Well, then, you must understand that priests and
nuns ARE married. They are supernaturally married. Priests are married
to the Bride of Christ, the Church, and nuns are married to the Groom
of the Church himself, namely Christ.

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1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 15, 2011

    I don't understand it either why would got require you to be celibate if according to the christian dogma that he made Mary a woman already married pregnant
