Entering Heaven before the Crucifixtion

Entering Heaven before the Crucifixtion

Question from on 05-26-2007:

Hello Father;
Father John Corapi said on EWTN during the Lenten
Season that after Adam & Eve sinned and they were
kicked out of Paradise; and that the gates of
Heaven were shut closed until Jesus Died on the
Cross and that nobody could enter into Heaven!

Assuming this is true how then does one explain the
Transfiguation in Luke 9/28-35?
Jesus In his Full Radiant Glory conversing to Moses
and Elijah also in radiant white garments?
Were both Prophets in Heaven when
at Mount Tabor Jesus was talking to Them?
Wasn't Elijah taken to Heaven in a Chariot alive ?

Answer by Fr. John Echert on 06-13-2007:
The traditional interpretation is not that
Elijah went into the fullness of Heaven, that is, in the very Presence
of God Himself, but either in some lower level of Heaven or in
Paradise. Neither should we assume that Moses was in the fullness of
Heaven. Again, it may have been a lower level of Heaven (we find
references to levels of Heaven in Jewish writings and also mentioned by
St. Paul) which can be an existence of happiness, but not the fullness,
which was closed to the saints until the Resurrection of Christ. By the
way, Elijah is still expected to return to earth, just prior to the
Second Coming of Christ.

Thanks, John

Father Echert

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