college mass

college mass

Question from on 05-15-2007:

Hi, I was hoping you could answer a question about what has to be in a
mass. Usually Sunday's mass (or vigel) has 2 readings the gospel and
then the homily, along with the Creed. My son who is in college (not a
Catholic one) started to go to mass the last few months after "being
independent" and not going earlier in the year. He thought it was a
little odd that the priest only does 1 reading before the gospel and
last week, skipped the Creed. He didn't want to say anything, but was
wondering if that was okay. I hope so because he likes the priest and
will be going back in the fall.
Thank you!

Answer by Fr. John Trigilio on 06-07-2007:
No. All Sundays and Holydays of Obligation have
two readings and a psalm before the Gospel and the Gloria (except
during Lent) and the Creed are also mandatory as is the homily.
Weekdays, there is only one reading with a psalm and the Gospel, no
Gloria, no Creed and homily is optional. These requirements are stated
in the General Instruction on the Roman Missal found in the front part
of the Sacramentary, the big book the priest uses on the altar to
celebrate Mass. #66, 68, 137, 357

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