canon 1063

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canon 1063 question
Question from on 06-21-2007:
My fiance and I have been engaged since February and are waiting until May of 2008 at her fathers request. My expectation of the engagement was that we would start spending more time together, my family would start treating her as part of my family and her family would start treating me as part of hers as we build the foundations for a strong marriage.

She works a few nights a week so there are some days that we don't get to see eachother. Her mom is also demanding that she spend one full night a week with her that I am not aloud over. I'm OK with the work situation but I really feel that her mom's demand is to the detriment of our relationship. My parents are happy to see both of us together, isn't that the way it should be?

Answer by Rev. Mark J. Gantley, JCL on 06-25-2007:
When marrying, you enter into a relationship not just with one's husband or wife but also with one's husband or wife's family. These in-laws are going to be a part of your life for the rest of your life if you proceed to marriage. What is a problem now will not likely go away.

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