Ecumenical council

Ecumenical council

Question from on 05-28-2007:

What would one have to do to request an ecumenical council. Can one
request the church to examine and authenticate a document claimed to be
sent by God. Is there a panel of theologins for this, and if they find
it is authentic, what would they do.

Answer by Richard Geraghty on 06-06-2007:

Dear Lance,

There have been only two
ecumenical councils in the last two hundred years--Vatican I and
Vatican II. They can be summoned only by the Pope. I do not know what
kind of documents you are talking about. At any rate, the Church
already decided in the fourth century what documents fit into the Bible
and what didn't. So that matter is closed. We hear a lot today about
other texts but they do not count even though the press and some
scholars keep bring them up as if the Church is trying to pull a fast
one on us about what is authentic. A document may be indeed from the
second or third century and may even be known by the Church at the
time. But if they have not been put into the Bible, they are not
authentic as the word of God.

Dr. Geraghty

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