Crying while I pray

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Question from Wannielee on 5/21/2008:

Can you please tell me what is wrong with me..I cry while I pray .During the rosary all I can see is the mysteries and cry especially the sorrowful ones..I look at a picture of Jesus and tears well up so fast, I have no control over this..I can be driving and think abour God and start to cry..Am I crazy?

Another question, How do you go about asking a priest to bless some rosaries and my new Birthday Bible? Is it rude to just qpproach them anytime? Thanks so much for doing what you do and God Bless and each and every one of you at EWTN...
Answer by Fr. Jay Toborowsky on 5/26/2008:

I can be driving and think abour God and start to cry..Am I crazy? >>>>> Well, it's definitely not normal.

How do you go about asking a priest to bless some rosaries and my new Birthday Bible? Is it rude to just qpproach them anytime? >>>>> See Father after Mass, when he's greeting parishioners.


  1. Blessed are they they mourn for they shall be comforted. Trust in the Blessed Mother that what is happening to you is a result of the ongoing work of sanctification in your soul/heart.

  2. "Constant tears still the thoughts in the soul and purify the mind, and with a pure mind a man comes to the visions of Divine mysteries." St. Isaac.
