Jewish remarriage

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Question from Mary on 5/21/2008:

Dear Father Jay Toborowski,

Approximately 7 months ago you replied to a question that I had asked regarding my attending the wedding ceremony of a widowed Jewish friend who is marrying a Jewish man who is divorced. You replied that it would be okay if I attend their ceremony since the Jewish religion allows divorce and remarriage. You stated that they were following the teachings of their faith. I was very relieved to read your response since I feel my friend would take it very personally if I did not attend her wedding. A Protestant friend challenged me on this, pointing out that God states in the Bible that divorce is not allowed. How could I explain to my Protestant friend why God would approve of this marriage?

Thank you Father Jay for your reply!

God Bless You, Mary
Answer by Fr. Jay Toborowsky on 5/21/2008:

"How could I explain to my Protestant friend why God would approve of this marriage?"

I don't presume to jump into the mind of God as to whether He "approves" of the marriage; what I said was that you attending was not a cause for scandal. Christ himself acknowledged that Moses permitted the Jewish people to end marriages by divorce. We, as catholics, believe that marriage is a permanent institution, but that doesn't mean that you have to stay away from a Jewish wedding.

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