Perfect Contrition

Question from Don on 4/27/2008:

Father Levis. In the back cover of our missalettes at Mass, there is the statement that one should make a perfect act of contrition. I have not understood HOW to 'make a perfect act of contrition'. I've come across this topic in a 126 page manual entitled: Triple Novena Manual of Jesus, Mary and Joseph by Father Stedman. From the Manual: ----------------------------------------------- Act of Perfect Contrition: O my God, I am heartily sorry and beg pardon for all my sins NOT SO MUCH because these sins bring suffering and Hell to me but because they have crucified my living Savior Jesus Christ and offended Thy Infinite Goodness. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen

Or as ejaculation say frequently "O MY GOD, I am sorry for having offended Thee, because I love Thee." Perfect Contrition becomes easy by meditating on a Crucifix: “Who” is suffering? “What” is He suffering? “Why?” To be sorry in one’s feelings is not necessary; it is sufficient if the will turns from sin to the love of God.

Perfect Contrition immediately washes away even mortal sin, but in such a case it is necessary to go to Confession before Holy Communion. Hence, there is no reason for ever remaining in sin, a condition which leads to habits of sinning.

Teach the Act of Perfect Contrition to non-Catholics especially to one in danger of death. Form the habit of making it yourself. If can save your soul at death if no priest is near for the last Sacraments. ---------------------------------------------------- Father Levis. This is the most that I've ever found regarding perfect contrition, and I thought that it would be helpful here. Thank you. Don

Answer by Fr. Robert J. Levis on 4/28/2008:
Don, What you discovered is perfect. Fr. Bob Levis

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