fatima and medjugorie

Question from anon on 4/7/2008:

hi matthew i know the church has approved fatima but im just wondering on the other alleged apperitions like medjugorie and garabandal could these be true even though the church has not approvefd them yet. is there any ongoing investigation on medjugorie to prove whether or not its true thanks

Answer by Matthew Bunson on 4/22/2008:
The alleged apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to six young people of Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzogovina, have been the source of interest and controversy since they were first reported in June 1981, initially in the neighboring hillside field, subsequently in the village church of St. James and even in places far removed from Medjugorje. Reports say the alleged visionaries have seen, heard, and even touched Mary during visions, and that they have variously received several or all of 10 secret messages related to coming world events and urging a quest for peace through penance and personal conversion. An investigative commission appointed by former local Bishop Pavao Zanic of Mostar-Duvno reported in Mar. 1984 that the authenticity of the apparitions had not been verified. He called the apparitions a case of “collective hallucination” exploited by local Franciscan priests at odds with him over control of a parish.

Former Archbishop Frane Franic of Split-Makarska, on the other hand, said in Dec. 1985: “Speaking as a believer and not as a bishop, my personal conviction is that the events at Medjugorje are of supernatural inspiration.” He based his conviction on the observations of spiritual benefits related to the reported events, such as the spiritual development of the six young people, the increases in Mass attendance and sacramental practice at the scene of the apparitions, and the incidence of reconciliation among people. On Jan. 29, 1987, the bishops of Yugoslavia declared: “On the basis of research conducted so far, one cannot affirm that supernatural apparitions are involved” at Medjugorje. Last I heard, the events at Medjugorje are under on-going investigation by the Holy See to determine their authenticity. Nevertheless, the site of Medjugorje remains a popular destination for Catholic pilgrims from Europe and the United States.

You might also read the following: http://www.ewtn.com/expert/answers/medjugorje.htm

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