The Eucharist

The Eucharist
Question from Tom Whalen on 7/7/2008:

During the life of Jesus he was criticized for spending time with sinners. He himself proclaimed that he came into the world to help sinners. If so, is the Catholic Church not doing the same as the people who criticized Jesus by saying that sinners should not recieve Jesus in the Holy Sacrement? What harm could possibly come from recieving the body and blood of our Lord? Only good could come of it. Is it not denying the sinners of getting as close as possible to the Lord?
Answer by Judie Brown on 7/8/2008:

Dear Tom

If we beleive that Christ is truly present in the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, then we should do all we can to protect Him from sacrilege. That is why the Church has a set of laws designed to help those who are ordained administer the Sacraments, and those laws compose what is known as Canon Law.

Canon Law #915 reads as follows:

Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or the declaration of a penalty as well as others who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to communion.

Judie Brown

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