Consecration of the Eucharist

Consecration of the Eucharist
Question from Jane Mintzer on 4/11/2008:

Suppose a priest "loses his place" during the mass and elevates the host(body) and speaks the words of consecration for the wine (blood) over the host. Then, not realizing what he does, goes on to proclaiming the mystery of faith. Is that a valid consecration? Are either species transformed? Are neither species transformed? I know the priest is acting 'in persona Christi' and it is actually Christ who changes the earthly into the divine...but do the words matter in this instance? Thank you.
Answer by Colin B. Donovan, STL on 7/2/2008:

The priest must say the words obliged for the bread over the bread and those obliged for the wine over the wine. If he reverses them there is no consecration and no Mass. If he does one and not the other, it is a debated theological point whether that one species is consecrated or not - probably so. In any case, without both it is no Mass.

If the priest doesn't catch his error, he should be told BEFORE Communion!!! He can correct it. Never receive doubtful species, lest you worship bread or wine as Christ when they are not.

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