RE: Shroud of Turin

Question from James on 10/1/2007: In a recent post you stated that scientific evidence so far points to the image on sht shroud being that of Christ. I thought that the scientific evidence obtained in a 1988 study commission by the Vatican indicated the opposite. Specifically that cloth is not 2000 years old. Carbon 14 dating can only trace it's age to approximately 1300 AD. Can you explain your answer for us? Answer by Richard Geraghty on 10/3/2007: Dear James, For up to date information on the Shroud of Turin I did a Yahoo search and came up right at the top of a reference to the work of a Jewish doctor who specializes in this subject. As far as he is concerned, the question of the Shroud's is still a very open question as far as science is concerned. Dr. Geraghty

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