re- the wine and Eucharist

Question from anon on 9/26/2007: Hello Dr. Geraghty: It actually depends on where you are if the law is being broken. Where I am from it is against the law to give minors alcohol including wine. Unless they are in their parents homes and it is given by the parents. Further to that if a minor has a probabtionary license, there is zero tolerance for alcohol if they are driving back from Mass and had received the blood of christ they and were stopped they would automatically lose their license. I am a little concerned with your comment "I doubt that the laws against underage drinking would be violated by giving wine to teen agers" A glass of wine is the same as a beer and the same as a shot of whiskey. They are all illegal to give to minors. It does not matter if we believe it is the Blood of Christ and the "accidental properties" are alcohol and that is against the law, freedom of Religion only goes as far as it not breaking common law, the only thing exempt is confession. anon anon anon Answer by Richard Geraghty on 9/30/2007: Dear Anon, From what you said, I gather that the law varies. Did not know it was so strict in some areas. I suppose, then, that it would be wiser for Catholic teen ager not to receive under both species. That would not make Holy Communion any less valid. Dr. Geraghty

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