Liturgical Dance

Liturgical Dance
Question from Michael Greve on 4/11/2008:

Dear Colin, I have heard the rumors of liturgical dance, and I have to ask what that is. It sounds extremely odd to have a priest dance during the mass, and I don't understand what the deal with it is? Could you please explain what it is for and when it would be performed during the mass(What part of the liturgy)? Please enlighten me, because I almost laugh at the thought of a priest dancing during the eucharistic prayer. God Bless,

Answer by Colin B. Donovan, STL on 7/1/2008:

While I suppose a priest could try dancing during the liturgy, liturgical dance generally means "liturgical dancers" (yes, there are actually people giving and receiving training in this liturgical abuse) "dancing" (often just a rhythmic movement or ballet-like gestures) during the entrance procession, offertory procession and also at other times in the Mass.

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